Friday, February 02, 2007

Doing Puzzles and Getting Stuck

Ella decided to help Abby and Katelyn with their game.
Abby likes to fit the pieces of Blokus together like a puzzle.

Doesn't she look like a big girl sitting in the chair!

We spent last Sunday at Josh and Laurie's house.
Abby got into her cousins' dolly high chair...
Getting out of it was another story.


LankeyLand said...

That highchair pic is a classic. We as mothers have that right to put our child's feelings aside & make them wait it out while we snap a pic. I love it! Hugs to you....K

Jessie said...

Oh man, it's a good thing I'm not Abby's mom. I'd probably laugh and take more than one picture of her in that high chair!